Friday, February 5, 2016

February – March 2016

Hi Country Friends,

We certainly started this year off the right way with a fantastic dance in January with the Joe Bayer band and teacher / DJ Lyndy. In the past I’ve commented that each dance tends to have a bit of a different “flavor” driven by the band, DJ and dance lessons, new dancers, the weather, and many other factors. This dance, like many of our dances, was a happy time with many new friends - everything just worked well – the band played a great mix of dance music, Lyndy’s dance lessons included both line and couple dancers, 168 people attended and yet it never felt too crowded because people were careful and considerate of shared dance space. We had a bunch of new dancers attend who are taking dance lessons from our LICMA dance teachers, and a “meet-up” group from Hicksville joined in and shared the fun – it was just a great dance and everyone seemed to have fun.

Our next dance is on February 6th with the band “Tied to the Trax” and teacher Lynn Robels and DJ Terry Barrett (both last minute changes.) We have been lucky so far this winter with weather, but if it becomes necessary to cancel a dance we will send a message to everyone on the e-mail distribution list, a notice will be placed on the web site, and the message on the phone Hotline will be updated by 3pm – let’s keep our fingers crossed.

Have you checked out our updated Dance Instruction page on the web site? This is a perfect time to sign up for a dance class or just get out of the house and burn some of those winter calories. There is literally dance instruction here on the Island every night of the week so be sure to check our updated page for current listings.

As we begin another new year, please think about ways you can help support our country music association and give back to your organization. Serving on the LICMA Board of Directors is an excellent way to contribute and help shape the direction of our organization. Several of our board members are spending more time in Florida this winter, so we need volunteers to help with the newsletter and communication, membership, and dance stuff - if you are able to help, please send us a note at Our annual general meeting will take place this year on Thursday March 17th (7:30 – 9:00pm) at the Paradise Dinner in Hauppauge – please consider attending and sharing your ideas.

Do we have your current e-mail address? If you change your e-mail address or would like to provide additional addresses, please send us a message at and our membership chairperson will update the records.

On behalf of the entire LICMA board, we would like to say thank you to the many volunteers who share our interest and donate their time to make your association events possible. Please continue to show your support for the country bands, teachers, radio stations, and sponsors that support our activities by attending their events and using their services. We look forward to seeing “you all” real soon.

“LICMA is FUN Country”
Jim Teeple